Human Acts of Imagination: Drama and the Culture of Education 人類的想像行動:戲劇與教育文化
The “subject” of educational drama and theatre is what it is to be human, our focus is on the self. The self of course is socially constructed and as drama and theatre are social art forms, the relationship between self and society and society in the self is at the core of what we do. Form and content is indivisible, meaning making is paramount. How we learn, the philosophy and pedagogy that underpins the art form of drama, and the culture of education that nurtures it is therefore critical to everything we do. The point of any story explored through drama is to use a fictional other in order to know ourselves, the world that we are part of and is in us, in order that we can be active agents in our own lives based on our understanding. Drawing on the experience of Drama Rainbow over the last decade, this article explores the role that drama and narrative thinking can play in creating a culture of education that challenges fixed and conventional notions of what knowledge is, and offers a radical perspective on the kind of meaning making needed to enable children and young people to meet the environmental, socio-economic and political challenges of living in the 21st century.
教育戲劇和戲場的「 要旨」,是生而為人是怎樣一回事,我們專注 自身。自身固然是由社會建構,而戲劇和劇場是社會的藝術形式, 自身與社會及自身中社會的關係正是我們的工作核心。形式與內容 密不可分,意義建構至為重要,因此如何學習戲劇藝術形式所奉行 的哲學和教學法及孕育藝術戲劇形式的教育文化,是我們所做一切 的關鍵。任何透過戲劇探索的故事,重點都是利用虛構的他者來了 解我們自己、我們身處的世界和我們內在的世界,我們從而可以憑 藉自己的理解主導自己的生命。借鑑抓馬寶貝過去十年的經驗,本 文探討如要建立一種教育文化挑戰「何為知識」的傳統固定觀念,戲 劇及敍事式思考在當中可以擔當的角色,並且就孩子和青年人生活 在廿一世紀面對環境、社會經濟及政治挑戰所需的某種意義建構, 提供一個徹底不同的觀點。
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