應用戲劇理論初探 A Preliminary Inquiry into the Theory of Applied Drama
應用戲劇近年來在台灣被廣泛推廣、實踐於各個場域中,若干推動者和 參與者實際領受了當劇場與生活產生聯結、甚至對話時所產生的效益。 有鑒於此,本文首先綜整國內外學界針對應用戲劇定義、內涵提出的描 述、闡釋,勾勒應用戲劇領域的輪廓;繼之關切劇場實踐的影響力與有 效性,從戲劇的本質探究應用戲劇的理論基礎;最後參酌相關學者的反 思,檢視與應用戲劇有關的議題。
Applied theatre has been widely articulated and performed in Taiwan in recent years. Several advocates and participants acknowledge theatre efficacy in terms of its capability to relate to and even create a dialogue with real life. Accordingly, this paper has three purposes: firstly, to grasp the construct of applied theatre through a literature review of the definitions, descriptions, and interpretations by relevant institutes, practitioners and scholars; secondly, where the impact and efficacy of theatre practices is concerned, to consider the nature of theatre so as to lay the theoretical foundation for applied theatre; lastly, to reflect upon the challenges and possibilities of applied theatre.
Keywords: Applied Drama, Applied Theatre, Applied Aesthetics
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