從學習型組織創建戲劇教育之發展條件 ── 以「基督教粉嶺神召會小學」的個案為例 Nurturing an Environment for Drama Education in a Learning Organisation: A Case Study of "Fanling Assembly of God Church Primary School"
本文以個案研究方法,深入、微觀地探討一所香港小學如何本著 「學習型組織」(learning organisation)的理念,營造合適的條 件引入和發展戲劇教育,從借助外界資源開始,引入課程與人力資 源,然後有效地建立教師協作教學與交流平台,築起一支強大的教 學團隊,並發展出一個整全、宏觀的戲劇課程觀。本文著重討論該 校在組織管理上如何落實「人本主義」的領導理念,促進教師增 能,型塑教師、家長、學生與管理層共享願景和教育視野,為戲劇 教育的發展提供良好的發展條件。
This case study examines how a Hong Kong primary school uses the management principles of “learning organisations” to nurture an environment for the long-term development of drama education in the school. Through a microscopic analysis of the school’s experiences, this paper documents and discusses how the school made use of external funding to bring in human and curriculum resources, how a platform for collaborative teacher development was created to nurture their own team of drama teachers, and how a holistic drama curriculum was conceived and practised in the school. This paper focuses on how the school adopts the principles of humanistic management to facilitate teacher empowerment and create a vision shared by teachers, parents and students.
Keywords: Learning School Organisation; Reform Management; Drama Curriculum; Teacher Empowerment
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