應用戲劇教學法培訓對小學教師心理健康和自我反思的促進作用 The Impact on Improving Primary School Teachers' Mental Health and Self-reflection Ability Through Drama Pedagogy
本文通過質性研究方法,對經過應用戲劇教學法培訓的 12 名小學教 師的第一次培訓反思進行文本分析,結果發現,培訓充分調動起教師 的參與情緒,教師在培訓過程投入中體驗到激情、快樂和放鬆,釋放 了教師的壓力;培訓還自然地促進了教師之間的互動與合作,使教師 對自己和同事的潜力、創造力有了新的發現,教師變得更為自信與開 放,願意接受新的方法和對自己的新挑戰;從情緒調整、自我認識和 對他人認識與相互關係方面對教師心理健康起到了促進作用。教師對 自己原有教學開始反思,真正的換位思考帶來內心的觸動,拓展了教 師看待問題的視角,促進了教師自我反思力的提升。
This article examines the impact on a group of 12 primary teachers after their first workshop on drama in education. The teachers’ reflective journals are analyzed. Through the drama activities, the excitement and fun helped to release the pressure and made them more participative. The workshop created a platform for colleagues’ collaboration which helped to discover on self and colleagues’ creativity. Teachers become more confident and open-minded, willing to take risk and trying out the new teaching methods. The new understanding on self and the others, improve the relationship among colleagues, is very important positive effects on teachers’ mental health. From the self-reflections after the drama, teachers start to think more deeply and from more different angles on teaching and learning.
This article is one of the research results, which is Experimental Study on Improving Primary School Teachers’ Professional Development and Student’s Mental Health through Drama Pedagogy, National Office For Education Sciences Planning, 2008. No. DBA080172.
Keywords: Drama Pedagogy; Mental Health; Self-reflection; Primary Teacher; Workshop
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