「5.12 汶川大地震」戲劇治療在災後重建中的作用
戲劇能淨化心靈、釋放情緒並具有矯正治療的功效,最早見于亞裏士 多德的詩學(Aristotle in Butcher,S.H.,1951)。
「把你的身體放大」、「用你的肩膀跟陌生人打招呼」、「現在用 你的臀部跟新朋友打招呼」、「做出吃難吃的飯的樣子」⋯⋯在這些交互 游戲、形體雕塑等環節過後,現場素未謀面的幾十位戲劇愛好者,已經變 得越來越興奮,初識的陌生感消失了。類似的訓練,漢旺鎮社區的婦女們 們曾練習了 50 個小時。這些婦女們住的漢旺鎮是在四川地震的重災區德 陽,當地居民原來以農業等為業。
People’s theatre can take myriad forms, but in synthesizing drama therapy and psychological healing, especially applied in post-disaster rehabilitation, it is a new initiative. The process proved to be effective as an instrument to help participants in self-assessment and target setting. Through participation, players experience their self-worth and the blessedness of living.
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