Learning to Write Critically: Drama as Pedagogy and the Implications for Cultural Criticism* 學習批判地書寫: 戲劇作為教育學及其對文化評論的啟示
This paper analyzes the role and use of drama in engaging students with the work of cultural criticism, as it is practised in the educational settings of critical writing under the Liberal Studies curriculum within Hong Kong senior secondary schools. Drawing on action research conducted at the site of a local secondary school, we explore the pedagogic potentials of dramatic intervention for the exercise of cultural analysis and critical writing in class, and examine students’ dialogic thinking, engagement and communication among themselves, and with their target readers outside of the classroom. By mediating the process of critical composition we review the multiple dimensions and uses of criticism in the pedagogic space opened for and through writing. At the end of this experimental study on the work of drama in cultural criticism as writing, we discuss the implications such pedagogy may have for critical writing education at schools.
Keywords: Drama as Pedagogy and Engagement, Cultural Criticism as Writing, Education and Cultural Studies, Action Research for Liberal Studies, Student Learning
* The paper was first presented at World Conference 2009 on Drama and Education in Chinese Communities: ‘Embarking on a 3D Journey: Search Diversely, Think Discreetly, Use Distinctively’, December 19-21, 2009, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Hong Kong.
本文旨在分析教育戲劇於香港高中通識教育科的書寫中的角色和作用。 高中通識教育科課程的書寫性質與文化評論相近,兩者皆涉及文化分 析、評論和書寫。本文就筆者於香港一所中學以戲劇進行的行動研究所 得,探討戲劇對引發學生對話式思考、投入同儕之間的交流及與其教室 外的目標讀者之間的溝通等各方面的潛力。研究亦檢視戲劇在寫作思維 過程中為評論書寫所開拓的教學空間和可能性。本文末段將討論戲劇對 批判寫作教育的啟示。
關鍵詞:戲劇作為教育學和參與、文化評論作為書寫、教育和文化研 究、通識教育和行動研究、學生學習
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