行動治療──心理劇在香港的大學 輔導教育上之應用 Action Therapy - Application of Psychodrama in Teaching Counselling in Hong Kong Tertiary Education
行動治療(Action Therapy)源於心理劇。本文是通過質性研究方法, 對社會工作學士、社會工作碩士及輔導學碩士課程的在職學生,經過修 讀行動治療後的反思進行文本分析。結果發現修讀行動治療能提昇學生 的問題解決能力、重塑舊有觀念、脫離負面思想及行為模式,對生命有 新的體會,以及對將來有新的計劃,從而建立積極、正面的人生觀,讓 專業助人工作者能從課堂教育及專業輔導中得到啟發。
Action Therapy originates from psychodrama. This paper describes the use of Action Therapy in counselling education for Bachelor and Master degree students of Social work and Counselling. It aims to analyze the effects of such teaching model through qualitative research and textual analysis. The results show that Action Therapy can enhance students’ problem-solving skills, reshaping irrational beliefs, reconstructing thinking and behaviourial patterns, re-examining the meaning of life, as well as developing an action plan. The paper concludes that the use of Action Therapy in professional counselling and education inspires the students to adopt a positive outlook for their future.
Keywords: Action Therapy; Psychodrama; Counselling; Counselling Education; Social Work
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