台灣當代戲劇教育探究 Inquiries into the Contemporary Drama Education in Taiwan
本文立論係受台灣當前教育改革的理念與現況所觸發,基於筆者戲 劇教育的相關學術背景和教學經驗,企圖探析台灣戲劇教育觀的流 變,並根據筆者的教學經驗與反思,提出戲劇教學實務上的思考方 向與改進策略。
Urged by the reflection on the current educational reform and its implementation in Taiwan, as well as based on the researcher’s academic interest and teaching experiences, this thesis attempts to clarify the changing meaning of drama education in Taiwan, and derived from the researcher’s teaching own observation and reflection, propose the thinking directions and improving strategies for the praxis of drama education based on the researcher’s own observation and reflection.
Keywords: Drama Education; Teaching Praxis; Grade 1-9 Curriculum
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