Enhancing School-aged Children’s Social Competence through Educational Drama 以教育性戲劇提高學齡兒童的社交能力
In this paper, the role of educational drama was examined as a means of promoting primary school students’ social competence. A research study was conducted in 90 public primary school classrooms in Greece. The research data came from 1826 children aged 9 through 11 years (904 boys, 922 girls) in an experimental process of pre-testing and post-testing, using the sociometric nomination procedure of Coie and Dodge (1983). Statistical analysis of research data revealed that: (1) Drama activities have positive effects on students’ social competence and (2) the positive effect that educational drama has on students’ social competence is not related to the age of the children since the research expectations were finally confirmed in all experimental classrooms. Thus, more attention should be paid to a drama-based curriculum in primary school if the development of students’ social competence is to be facilitated.
Keywords: educational drama, students, social competence, sociometry, elementary school
本文討論希臘公立小學學童一項運用社會計量提名方法(Coie and Dodge,1983)進行的研究,藉此探討教育性戲劇在提高小學生社 交能力的作用。該研究的對象是1826名年齡由9至11歲的學童,當中 男童佔904人,女童佔922人,他們來自不同希臘公立小學共90個班 別。參與研究的學童在進行戲劇活動前和後分別填寫社會計量提名 問卷來測試社交能力。研究數據分析顯示:(1) 戲劇活動給學童的社 交能力帶來正面的影響;(2) 所有參與實驗的班別,均顯示這正面的 影響,可見與學童年齡這因素無關。綜觀研究結果,要提高小學生 的社交能力,實在應該要更重視以戲劇為本的小學課程。
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