演戲如何促進中文作為第二語言記敘文寫作的學習動機 Motivation and Second Language Learning: How Stanislavski’s System Motivates Learning as a Motivational Teaching Practice in Chinese Narrative Writing as a Second Language
本研究蒐集了學生、觀察員及研究者作為老師的經歷和觀察資料, 結合學習者與施教者透過演戲學習中文作為第二語言記敍文寫作的 學習動機及動機教學實踐等數據,以Pintrich等人(1991)的學習動 機策略理論和Guilloteaux與Dörnyei(2008)的動機取向語言教學 模式加以分析,作三角效度驗證。研究發現演戲是有效的動機教學 策略,最能提升非華語學生中文記敍文的寫作自我效能,其次是外 在動機導向、內在動機導向、任務價值及減少中文學習焦慮,無論 學生、觀察員及老師對運用戲劇在中文記敘文寫作課都有高度評價。
This paper examines how drama works as a motivational teaching practice and how it enhances students’ learning motivation. Data is collected from eight students, an observer and the teacher-asresearcher through action-based research. All sorts of research data sets are triangulated for enhancing the reliability of the study. Interviews of the participants and researcher’s reflective journals are analysed according to the Motivated Strategies for learning (Pintrich et al., 1991) and the Model of Motivational teaching practice (Dörnyei, 2001). The findings show that drama is an effective motivational teaching practice of Chinese narrative writing as a second language for non-Chinese speaking students, and at the same time it also increases students’ learning motivation in terms of self-efficacy, extrinsic goal orientation, intrinsic goal orientation, task value and diminishes learning anxiety.
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